Our Team
CBC News
What is the 4B movement? Why some women are boycotting men after Trump’s election victory
Interview with Brock Wilson
Harris campaigned on women's bodily freedom. What will Trump's win mean for abortion rights?
Interview with Natalie Stechyson
What ‘cancelling’ your dad’s vote says about the U.S election’s gender divide
MIT Tech Review
Video is now the medium of our lives
Interview with Clive Thompson
Are you very demure? How to be very mindful of the latest TikTok trend taking over the internet
CanCulture Magazine
The complicated ethics of digital piracy
Interview with Hannah Mercanti
Will the new Bridget Jones movie finally shed the weight obsession?
As 'where's Kate' conspiracy theories run wild, here's how the story became such a royal mess
The Toronto Star
Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Eilish—‘girlhood’ rule the 2024 Grammys. Here’s why it matters.
Interview with Aisling Murphy
The Gazette
Hyperfemininity: Is it Feminist?
Interview with Shanze Zaeem
The Record
Social media sparking new feminist wave, say Waterloo researchers
Interview with Johanna Weidner
The Conversation
The stabbing attack at the University of Waterloo underscores the dangers of polarizing rhetoric about gender
Op-Ed by Shana MacDonald and Alysia Kolentsis
Canadian Media Fund Annual Report
Influences and Audiences
Interview with Laura Beeson
UW Imprint
UW Games Institute holds panel on feminist and responsible software design
Discussion with Eduardo Matzumiya
UW Games Institute
"Objects to be looked at”: Misogyny in Gaming Panel with the UW Women’s Center for “Love Your Body” Week
Interview with Emma Vossen
The Hill Times
'Perception is Reality’: Best Political Performers Forge a Personal Connection with Audience
Interview with Alice Chen
UW ‘Misogyny in Gaming’ panel discusses harassment of minorities within gaming circles
The Charlatan
Accountability despite anonymity: Finding ways to combat online trolling
Interview with Nehaa Bimal
The Waterloo Chronicle
"It didn't have to be this way": Ontario lockdown message muddled
Interview with Mike Farwell
CTV News
How social media helped COVID-19 experts become household names during pandemic
Interview with Melissa Couto Zuber
A Love of One's Own
Can you be in love with love itself?
Interview with Jessica Mazze
The Community Edition
Pandemic Politics and Polarization
Interview with Melissa Embury
Global News
Fact or Fiction: Does Trump's social media ban threaten our freedom of expression?
Interview with Noor Ibrahim
Can virtual Thanksgiving dinners be meaningful? Experts say we can adapt traditions
Why social media is a missed opportunity as coronavirus spreads among young people
Interview with Rachael D'Amore
Let's laud Harry and Meghan for their act of self-care - and leave them alone
Op-Ed by Shana MacDonald
'Instagram therapy' is on the rise, but experts say it could be harmful
Interview with Meghan Collie
'Inappropriate' but not illegal: Why women Tony Clement followed online are going public
Interview with Jane Gerster
The Big Story
Did online rhetoric lead to violence in the classroom?
Stories Within Us
Radical Self-care with Dr. Bri Wiens
the VIEW from Venus
Creating Space in Academia with Shana MacDonald
Teachin' Books
Interview with Shana MacDonald / Feminist Think Tank and Instagram Research, Activism, and Education
Beyond the Bulletin
Communicating in a Crisis, Outbreak Over, Benefits Approved
Staying Connected, New Fund for Students, Medical Support